Written by: Lily T.
If you have both an older and younger child, you may have noticed some rivalry between them. It’s perfectly normal for siblings to squabble from time to time, but if fighting is becoming a regular

occurrence, it’s important to take steps to nip it in the bud. A strong relationship between your oldest and youngest child can set the stage for a lifetime of friendship, love, and support. Here are some tips for strengthening the bond between your two kids.

Encourage One-on-One Time
One of the best ways to reduce sibling rivalry is to encourage one-on-one time between your two children. This could mean carving out some special bonding time for just the two of them during family movie night or planning a special outing that they can enjoy together. Whatever you do, make sure that each child feels like they’re getting equal attention and that they’re both able to spend quality time with you as well.
Set Ground Rules and Boundaries
Another way to reduce fighting between siblings is to set clear ground rules and boundaries. This might involve setting a rule that physical violence is never allowed or establishing consequences for bad behavior. By setting boundaries early on, you can help your children learn how to resolve conflict in a constructive way.

Teach Them How To Communicate Effectively
Communication is key in any relationship, including the one between siblings. Teach your kids how to communicate effectively by modeling positive communication yourself. This means using “I” statements, listening actively, and being respectful when disagreeing with one another. You can also encourage healthy communication by having regular family meetings where everyone gets a chance to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.
By Encouraging one-on-one time, setting boundaries and ground rules, and teaching effective communication skills, you can help reduce sibling rivalry and strengthen the bond between your oldest and youngest child.